JUARA Skincare
JUARA Skincare

What Does Self-Care Look Like To You?

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What Does Self Care Look Like

40% of Americans do something for themselves each day.

In general, self-care is less about what you should do and more about what you want to do, whether that be daily journaling or an at-home spa day. These wellness practices are designed to nurture your mind and body, boost your mood, and improve your overall health.

Self-care can look different to different people. The beauty is that there is no right or wrong answer! Indulging in the practices you resonate with is what allows you to recharge and reset.

So, how can you figure out what self-care looks like to you?

Key Takeaways

  • Self-care is anything you do for yourself that is meant to better your well-being.
  • Self-care can be broken down into four categories, though they do overlap: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self-care.
  • Self-care looks different to everyone. There's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Self-care activities like skincare, meditation, and a digital detox can give your mind and body clarity and energy.

Keep reading to learn more!

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What Is Self-Care?

It is difficult to create a concrete answer to the question, "What is self-care?"

The World Health Organization defines self-care as "the ability... to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker.”

Though this definition isn't entirely comprehensive, it essentially states that self-care is everything and anything that goes into staying healthy. Self-care involves things like hygiene, nutrition, and medical care. However, true self-care goes beyond surface-level issues.

Holistic self-care encompasses the entirety of wellness, including emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being.

Regardless, the modern-day definition of self-care is steadily evolving.

woman hugging herself more stress fresh pair heart disease daily tasks fresh air cost money daily life overall well being regular self care important social self care social self care

Self-care can be anything you do to nourish yourself. It can be relaxing and calming, or it can be energizing and intellectual.

A 2018 study considered the application of self-care when combating burnout, fatigue, and stress. It also explored the definition of stress as a "self-initiated behaviour" used to "promote good health and general well-being." However, self-care is more than a stress management technique.

The practice of self-care is important for both physical and mental health and is a crucial component of a holistic lifestyle. It requires you to consistently check in with yourself and reflect.

Self-care practices are anything you do to improve or maintain your mind-body wellness.

However, self-care looks different to different people. While a spa day might be a pampering indulgence for some, to others, this may induce anxiety and be uncomfortable.

There is no "correct answer," and there is no one-size-fits-all.

Types of Self-Care

Self-care is not a black-and-white practice. Most self-care practices have holistic effects, meaning they can impact your mental, physical, and emotional wellness simultaneously.

There are four main categories of self-care.

Let us break them down for you.

Emotional Self-Care

Positive affirmations, work-life balance, and weekly bubble baths can be forms of emotional self-care. Emotional self-care often invokes feelings of tranquility, peace, and happiness.

An important aspect of emotional health is the ability to properly process emotions. It requires healthy coping strategies for uncomfortable feelings such as sadness, anger, or stress.

Set aside time to discuss your emotions, whether that be on a coffee date with your partner or on a phone call to a friend.

Physical Self-Care

Physical self-care encompasses non-negotiable practices like sleep, hygiene, and exercise. Your body requires breaks in order to perform its best.

Plus, your mind and your body are linked - so when you care for your physical health, your mental health also benefits.

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woman jogging on the beach financial self care activities emotional well being examples of self care plan physical mental and emotional lunch break health and well self care plan overall health and well

Spiritual Self-Care

Religious involvement, meditation, and nature walks are ways to better your spiritual health through self-care.

However, spiritual self-care doesn't have a religion. It involves anything that provides you with a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

Mental Self-Care

Mental self-care keeps your mind active and sharp. Learning a language, solving a puzzle, or reading a book fuels and grows your mind.

It can involve self-acceptance, self-love, and self-esteem, all of which can improve your psychological well-being.

What Does Self-Care Look Like?

There are numerous forms of self-care. Some might be enjoyable to some but tedious to others.

However, there are some baseline forms of self-care that are considered non-negotiable.

These include:

  • Getting enough sleep. Adequate sleep allows you to wake up feeling refreshed and invigorated.
  • Exercising regularly. Research shows that individuals who exercise between two to eight hours each week throughout their lives reduce their risk of early death by 29 - 26%.
  • Eating a balanced diet. Eating fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins helps fuel your body and mind.
  • Drinking plenty of water. Drinking enough water keeps you hydrated (and keeps your skin supple!)
  • Basic hygiene. An at-home spa day is an excellent way to turn basic hygiene into a pampering experience.

    In today's fast-paced society, setting aside much-needed "me" time can be far from easy. Many of our personal goals require determination and drive, which can swallow your time and energy.

    Regardless, self-care isn't just about self-pampering. It gives your mind and body time to rest and recharge, allowing you to return to your everyday life with renewed vigor and performance.

    How to Practice Self-Care

    What you choose to do for self-care is entirely up to you.

    There's no one surefire activity that will give you the promised benefits. It takes time to discover the practices that align with your wants and needs.

    Excellent self-care activities are a tailored blend of creativity and indulgence.

    Are you looking for a few potential options? Here are a few activities that you can explore if they pique your interest!

    • Getting a massage.
    • Reading a romance novel.
    • Writing in a gratitude journal.
    • Painting.
    • Listening to music.
    • Learning a new language.
    • Watching a movie.
    • Taking a power nap.
    • Going for a neighborhood walk.
    • Swimming in a lake.
    • Trying yoga.
    • Following a skincare routine.
    • Doing a digital detox.
    • Cleaning your home.
    • Donating unwanted clothes.
    • Write a short story.
    • Go to a museum.
    • Reconnect with a loved one.
    • Visit your church.
    • Meditate.
    • Going on a vacation.
    • Have an at-home spa day.
    • Spending time in nature.

      Start with one self-care activity per day.

      Don't feel guilty about taking care of yourself. It's impossible to pour from an empty cup!

      woman meditating mental health issues palliative care nurses prevent future health problems healthy relationship promote healthy functioning emotional wellbeing mental self care activities

      How Self-Care Benefits Your Well-Being

      Many self-care activities have been linked to positive health benefits and longer life.

      Some benefits of self-care include:

      • Reduced anxiety and stress. Many self-care activities can reduce negative feelings by providing an outlet. They can also help with stress management.
      • Increased energy levels. It's easy to experience burnout. Self-care gives your mind and body time to rest and recharge, allowing you to bounce back.
      • Improved mood. You deserve to take time for yourself! Self-care helps you feel empowered and confident in who you are and what you do.
      • A sense of purpose. Self-care can give you a newfound purpose, whether it be found within your community or within yourself.

        How to Start a Self-Care Routine

        There are many ways to kickstart a self-care routine. If you're new to it, it's best to start slow.

        Self-care should be an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Don't place too much pressure on yourself. That may cause you to feel overwhelmed or demoralized.

        Here's a good way to get started:

        1. Choose one self-care activity. Pick a self-care activity that will be enjoyable, fulfilling, and nourishing. It can be something new or something you've done before. There's no wrong answer here!
        2. Start practicing self-care. Depending on your schedule, start slow. Practice this self-care activity once or twice a week. Slowly increase the frequency, depending on the activity. For example, a skincare routine can be done multiple times a day.
        3. Reflect on how you feel. Do you enjoy doing your chosen self-care activity? Do you want to try something else? Reflect on how you feel, and make adjustments to your schedule if necessary.
        4. Add more self-care practices to the mix. When you're ready, experiment with other self-care activities. In the end, you should have a hefty handful of self-care practices that work for you!

          Skincare Self-Care

          Skincare is a self-care practice that benefits both the mind and body.

          It's not just about wellness - it's also a chance to pamper and indulge in the comfort of your own home.

          At its core, a skincare routine gives you time to reconnect with yourself.

          Your skincare routine can be easily tailored to fit your wants and needs. If you have wrinkles and fine lines, an anti-aging hand cream can smooth your skin. If you have acne, an exfoliating treatment can purify your pores.

          woman applying skin cream peer reviewed studies world health organization systematic review spending time in nature mental and emotional self care can help unnecessary stress

          Here are a few product recommendations:

          Candlenut Body Creme: This rich body creme is lightly scented and loaded with natural ingredients like candlenut oil and avocado oil that nourish and moisturize the skin.

          Candlenut Hydrating Shower Gel: This silk-smooth body wash cleanses the skin without stripping away natural oils, leaving it soft and hydrated.

          Radiance Vitality Oil: This vitamin C-packed facial oil promotes radiance, absorbing quickly and leaving behind a velvety finish.

          Final Thoughts

          Self-care can look different to everyone.

          On your journey, you'll discover personalized self-care practices that work best for your wants and needs.

          Taking care of yourself is important for your mind and body!

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          Juara Skincare incorporates ancient rituals with Western skincare science, creating the ultimate beauty experience. We aim to transport you from the mundane to the extraordinary with our exotic ingredients, intoxicating scents, and powerful, skin-improving formulas. All of our products are nutrient-rich and botanically based. We are proud to be certified cruelty-free. Get the latest skin care tips and info on Juara products by following us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.