JUARA Skincare
JUARA Skincare

How To Plan A Spa Day At Home

JUARA Skincare -
At Home Spa Day

The global spa industry is expected to be valued at $104.8 billion by 2025. A self-care evening filled with bubble baths and Candlenut Body Creme can help you reset, relax, and recover. However, you don't need to book a day at a five-star resort to pamper your mind and body.

It's easy to host a spa day at home with just a few key products!

Key Takeaways

  • A key component of an at-home spa day is the atmosphere. Adjust the lighting, introduce soothing scents, and prepare a platter of snacks and beverages to treat your senses.
  • Gather all the essential products, like face masks, exfoliating scrubs, and body oils.
  • Take time to relax and rest by doing yoga or meditating.

Keep reading, and we'll share the ultimate at-home spa day routine for women.

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How to Plan an At-Home Spa Day

There's no better treat than a carefully curated at-home spa day. After all, your mind and body deserve a rest! While a trip to a day spa can always be enjoyable, creating a self-care oasis at home can be far more intimate, soothing, and relaxing.

An at-home spa day can be whatever you want it to be. Make it as simple or complex as you'd like! The purpose is to rest and recover.

Though you can transform your bathroom into a wellness resort, you can also make do with a sheet mask and steamy shower. There are no expectations - it's just what you feel the most comfortable with.

Spa days aren't just mindless indulgences. They can help guide you to better health and wellness. Your physical and mental health are deeply connected, so taking care of your mind can positively affect your body, too!

No matter your wellness goals, you can host a spa day at home. Keep reading, and we'll share seven steps for planning an at-home spa day.

towel and dry brush patch test hot water shower relaxing shower shower relaxing bath hair bath relaxing bath

#1. Set the Mood

Setting the mood before you start your spa day will create a cozy and comforting feeling. This allows you to feel relaxed and at ease, further promoting rest and recovery. Collect fresh towels, scented candles, and skincare products before staging the evening.

Don't underestimate the power of aromatherapy! Our Awake Candle is a soothing and refreshing candle that is inspired by dewy tea fields and young jasmine flowers. Lighting a few of your favorite scents will elevate the atmosphere and calm the senses.

If you have an essential oil diffuser, add a few drops of your favorite essential oils. Lavender oil or sandalwood oil are some of the best for stress relief.

Don't forget to dim the lights, as well. Lighting can have a major impact on overall mood and experience. This ambient lighting will allow your mind and body to unwind after a long day. (Hint: Use fairy lights for a touch of magic!)

Relaxing music can also erase cluttered thoughts and calm the mind. Your favorite tracks will boost your mood and set the tone for your spa day adventure.

#2. Prepare Treats and Drinks

An excellent spa day experience engages all the senses. The whipped texture of your body lotion and the uplifting aroma of your candles create a holistic indulgence. But don't forget about your taste buds!

Tasty delights and refreshing drinks will make your at-home spa day that much more enjoyable, fun, and fulfilling.

For a light option, make a fruit and veggie tray. To satiate your sweet tooth, go with decadent desserts like chocolate truffles or crème puffs. Herbal tea acts as the perfect pairing, which can bring health benefits on its own.

For a cup of calm, pour a steamy mug of our Soothing Island Comfort Green Tea. This delicate blend of green tea, ginger, and turmeric improves joint health, calms inflammation, and soothes the stomach.

Bonus: Easy Ginger Turmeric Shots | Jamu-Inspired Recipes

woman drinking tea favorite scent baby's butt blood flow hand massage almond oil dead cells eye mask re energize skin type simply fill facial exfoliants linen closet

#3. Collect Your Spa Accessories

Before you can get started, you need to collect all the products and accessories you'd like to use. Once you're happy with the sights and scents of your spa day at home, you can fine-tune your pampering experience.

You'll need essential items like fluffy, clean towels and a natural body wash. The most important items will be your skincare products. Eye masks and face masks will deeply moisturize your skin, while a dry brush or exfoliating scrub will help buff and polish your skin.

Keep reading, and later, we'll share some of our favorite go-to products for any at-home spa day!

#4. Meditate & Relax

At this point, you're ready to run your bath. Add Epsom salts, essential oils, or bath bombs to create the perfect soapy solution for soaking your skin. While the water is running, take this time to meditate or do yoga.

Meditation is a mindfulness practice that enhances calm and clarity. It allows you to refocus and recenter the mind, letting go of everyday worries and woes that may be plaguing you. Breathing meditation allows you to melt away and reconnect with your mind and body.

After meditating or doing yoga, your bath will be ready to go. Feel free to take this time to relax your whole body. Read a book, do an exfoliating scrub, or give yourself a foot massage. There are so many ways to make the most of your time!

#5. Do the Essentials

Use this time to complete your basic hygiene tasks. Condition your hair, shave your legs, and wash your body. Use natural ingredients like rice water or apple cider vinegar in your hair to help clarify and strengthen your strands.

#6. Pamper Your Skin

Skincare is a crucial component of your at-home spa day. Not only are you healing and nurturing your skin, but you're also engaging in a mood-boosting ritual! Skincare is a positive experience that allows you to check in with yourself. So, incorporating these traditions into your at-home spa day is a must.

Your AM and PM skincare routine might consist of the basics. But now is your time to pamper your skin! Take your beauty ritual to the next level and engage in skincare practices you don't do daily. That means it's time for body scrubs, face masks, dry brushing, and more!

Here's what your at-home spa experience may look like:

  • Steam your face. Use a face steamer to open your pores.
  • Cleanse your body. Use a bar soap or body wash to cleanse and refresh your skin.
  • Exfoliate. Use a dry brush or exfoliating scrub to remove dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria.
  • Apply a face mask. This enzyme face scrub & mask duo will refine and purify your skin, letting you enjoy a more plump, smooth, and radiant complexion.
  • Use a toner. Apply a thin layer of toner on your face using a cotton ball or cotton pad.
  • Massage with a jade roller. This will help your skincare products soak in and do their thing.
  • Apply a moisturizer. Apply a generous amount of body lotion and body oil to smooth and soften your skin from head to toe.

Create a skincare routine that aligns with your wellness goals. Your DIY spa day is the perfect opportunity to explore new techniques and formulas!

woman applying face cream favorite spa bath bomb shower cap towel warmer essential oil spa experience face mask feet bliss skin types collagen production

#7. Soak Away Your Cares

Once your spa treatments and skincare routines are complete, now is the time to sit back and relax. A long soak is the perfect way to wrap up your spa night. Turn up the music, refill your diffuser, and reapply a face mask.

Now, recover, rest, and relax!

Our Best Pamper Products for a Spa Day at Home

The best way to make the most of your spa day is by setting yourself up for success. You can elevate and enhance your experience with the right skincare and wellness products. Here's a list of some must-have items to make your spa treatment a truly indulging experience.

#1. Tiare Jasmine Body Creme

This luxurious and silky body lotion combines natural ingredients and a delicate scent, resulting in a refreshing yet calming body creme. With notes of Tiare flower and jasmine, this buttery body lotion leaves skin nourished and moisturized without a greasy feel.

#2. Jamu Lifestyle: The Indonesian Herbal Wellness Tradition

This book, written by the co-founder of JUARA, Metta Murdaya, is a beautiful and informative piece that covers the history and applications of jamu. Jamu is an ancient Indonesian wellness tradition that often combines herbal remedies with beauty treatments. The mood-boosting effects of skincare are an integral part of this tradition, something that is reflected in JUARA's brand mission and product line.

#3. Candlenut Glow Body Oil

This nutrient-rich blend of candlenut oil, passion fruit oil, and coconut oil helps soothe and hydrate dry skin. It has a silky formula that doesn't feel greasy. Instead, it absorbs fast into the skin and locks in moisture. Its signature scent transports you on a tropical vacation, making each moment memorable!

applying body lotion warm water warm bath salts shower routine arm massage heated towels quiet room gently massage gel nails

#4. Candlenut Bar Soap

This bar soap kills germs and viruses while hydrating the skin and soothing inflammation. It contains natural botanicals like shea butter, coconut oil, and mango seed butter that heal and nourish the skin's protective barrier.

#5. Tolak Angin

Tolak Angin is an herbal syrup made with ginger, honey, and mint that boosts immune function and calms digestion. It also is referred to as the "Get Well" jamu, as it is an excellent beverage for overall health and wellness. A cup of this herbal syrup is the best way to make your at-home spa day a healing and restorative experience.

#6. Tiare Jasmine Perfume Oil

Aromatherapy is a powerful tool. After your bathtub soak, apply a dab of this perfume oil to your pulse points. This blend of violet leaves, green bamboo, and palm fronds makes any moment a spa getaway!

Final Thoughts

Whether you want to soothe sore muscles or reduce dark circles, a spa day at home can work wonders. A soothing bath and gentle massage provide the ultimate relaxation experience. Though a spa retreat can be an enjoyable endeavor, there's something so simple and sweet about pampering yourself in the comfort of your own home!

Keep Reading: The Importance Of Self-Care For Your Health


Juara Skincare incorporates ancient rituals with Western skincare science, creating the ultimate beauty experience. We aim to transport you from the mundane to the extraordinary with our exotic ingredients, intoxicating scents, and powerful, skin-improving formulas. All of our products are nutrient-rich and botanically based. We are proud to be certified cruelty-free. Get the latest skin care tips and info on Juara products by following us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.