JUARA Skincare
JUARA Skincare

How To Get Clear Skin Overnight: 7 Tips To Try

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How To Get Clear Skin Overnight

There's nothing more frustrating than discovering a fresh pimple on your face the night before a big day. Though a solid eight hours of sleep can work wonders, sometimes, your skin needs a little more TLC to glow.

At a Glance

  1. Deep-Cleanse Your Skin Before Heading to Bed
  2. Keep Your Skin Hydrated
  3. Don't Pop any Pimples
  4. Try Using Apple Cider Vinegar
  5. Use a Sheet Mask
  6. Steam Your Face
  7. Use Nourishing Ingredients like Aloe Vera or Tea Tree Oil

Beauty sleep can only do so much. Though an all-natural skincare ritual can save your complexion in the long run, it's inevitable that you'll experience a breakout at one point or another.

Keep reading, and we'll share seven ways you can clear your skin overnight.

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Why is Sleep so Important for Skin Health?

If you're blessed with smooth and supple skin, you often don't think about acne or breakouts until you're faced with a pimple. And it's hard to think about anything else when your skin develops a blemish.

Sleep affects your complexion more than you may realize. You probably already know that getting a good night's sleep is critical to feeling energized the next day. But it's not just your brain and body that can benefit from rest and relaxation. Your skin depends on it, too!

Sleep Helps to Repair and Renew Your Skin

When you sleep, your body prioritizes repair and restoration.

Your system takes this time to flush out toxins and impurities while renewing your skin. But especially as you age, it gets harder and harder for your body to steadily shed dead skin cells and generate new ones.

Catching some Z's is also a great way to quickly recover from sunburn if you forgot your SPF the day before.

a woman sleeping in her bed dehydrated skin skin clear skin dry face mask unclog pores exfoliating skin enough sleep baking soda green tea

A Lack of Quality Sleep can Exacerbate Oily Skin

It's hard to say for certain what causes acne, but oil definitely plays a big role. Pimples are often the result of your skin's pores getting clogged with excess oil in addition to dirt, bacteria, dead skin cells, or makeup.

When you lack sleep, your skin's natural sebum regulation is thrown off. Sebum is the natural oil that your skin produces in order to stay moisturized and hydrated. But too much sebum can lead to clogged pores and a greasy complexion.

#1. Deep-Cleanse Your Skin Before Heading to Bed

Everyone knows that you should never go to bed wearing makeup. That's the least you can do for your skin.

Every evening should start with a gentle cleanser. After that, you can dive into the rest of your ritualistic skincare routine. This is the foundation of healthy and happy skin and the best way to erase any pending pimples.

Cleansing your skin each night helps to rinse off the grub and grime for the day. This is essential for banishing pesky breakouts and preventing more blemishes from showing up. You can't go to bed each night without washing your face and expect to wake up with a clear and glowing complexion.

The foundation of it all should be the Rice Facial Cleanser from beauty and wellness brand JUARA. This simplistic yet effective facial cleanser is silky smooth, leaving your skin feeling soft and invigorated. Plus, it's infused with natural ingredients like rice bran oil to reduce the redness that comes with acne.

If you struggle with backne, use an effective all-natural body soap. Our Candlenut Bar Soap is a shower staple and can kill the germs and bacteria that lead to acne. But if you want a more luxurious skincare experience, try out our award-winning Candlenut Hydrating Shower Gel instead.

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#2. Keep Your Skin Hydrated

Quick fixes are a myth. But there are some things you can try in the hopes of minimizing a brand-new pimple before a big day.

If you have acne-prone skin or dry skin, the best way to take care of your complexion is by keeping it hydrated. Sometimes, drinking water is enough to transform your complexion. But often, your skin needs an extra moisture boost to fight off a budding breakout.

Use a rich and creamy hand cream if you have cracked hands and inflamed cuticles. But if you want a luxurious glow from head to toe, you should indulge in an ultra-hydrating body creme like our best-selling Candlenut Body Creme.

#3. Don't Pop any Pimples

To clear skin overnight, you should know what to do as well as what not to do. You've likely heard it before, but you shouldn't pop your pimples. In fact, you should avoid touching your skin at all if you're prone to breakouts.

Even if it's tempting, popping your pimples can cause your skin to become inflamed and swollen. And simply touching your skin can transfer any bacteria from your fingertips directly to your vulnerable pores.

#4. Try Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Natural home remedies are more effective than you might think. If you're stressed about a brand-new breakout and looking for a fast solution, try using this kitchen essential to gently exfoliate your skin.

Raw apple cider vinegar is able to balance your skin's pH to calm sensitive skin and smooth an uneven skin tone. Apply a small amount to your face using a cotton pad in order to energize dull skin and unclog pores.

#5. Use a Sheet Mask

Sheet masks are effective ways to deliver a rich and rewarding treatment to your skin without much effort. If you want some additional moisture, apply a sleeping mask on your face overnight in lieu of your night cream.

Though sheet masks are great for smooth and supple skin, clay face masks are more effective for purifying and refining skin.

There are countless options for face masks. But if you want glowing skin overnight, opting for a botanical-based enzyme mask is a good idea.

woman applying a sheet mask in her bathroom sleeping mask more sleep more oil thin layer enough sleep skin types sleeping mask

The Key to Achieving Glowing Skin Overnight

If you want clear skin naturally, then the Radiance Enzyme Scrub & Enzyme Mask should be your go-to product. This enzyme mask doubles as an exfoliator and cleanser, utilizing the power of jojoba and bamboo beads to minimize pores and refine the skin.

Exfoliating your skin is an essential skincare step for preventing pimples and banishing breakouts. And this brightening and firming formula can do that and so much more. After just one use, you'll be able to experience clearer skin that's better prepped to absorb the rest of your skincare ritual.

If your skin issues extend past your face, then it's time to invest in a skin-smoothing body scrub. That will keep your skin refined and radiant from head to toe.

#6. Steam Your Face

Steam might be the way to transform your skin from dull and drab to smooth and supple. Steaming your face before bed can help open pores, calm breakouts, and promote blood flow. It might not erase blemishes overnight, but it can soothe and clear skin.

Plus, steaming your face preps your skin for the remainder of your skincare routine so that your pores better absorb each product. Though you can go to a spa to get a professional treatment, you can also try steaming out your skin with hot water.

woman taking a steamy shower at home sebum production hyaluronic acid helps calm breakouts sun damage dark spots

#7. Use Nourishing Ingredients like Aloe Vera or Tea Tree Oil to Combat Acne

There are a few active ingredients out there that can work wonders on inflamed skin and the occasional pimple.

Skincare products with salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or lactic acid help your skin shed its outermost layer in order to reveal clear, youthful skin underneath. However, these BHAs and AHAs aren't always agreeable with sensitive skin. In that case, it'd be better to opt for serums and facial peels containing vitamin C, which help to brighten the skin and improve skin tone.

Natural ingredients like aloe vera gel, green tea extracts, jojoba oil, and turmeric are able to stimulate skin healing and can be incredibly effective when applied overnight. These plant-based alternatives are ideal for achieving and maintaining clear, radiant skin.

Final Thoughts

It's normal for a pimple to pop up on your face every now and again. Though a well-rounded skincare ritual is the best defense, sometimes your skin requires a bit more love and affection in order to combat acne.

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Juara Skincare incorporates ancient rituals with Western skincare science, creating the ultimate beauty experience. We aim to transport you from the mundane to the extraordinary with our exotic ingredients, intoxicating scents, and powerful, skin-improving formulas. All of our products are nutrient-rich and botanically based. We are proud to be certified cruelty-free. Get the latest skin care tips and info on Juara products by following us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.